Merry Christmas everyone!
Sorry about the terrible delay in updating- for all of you still out there reading this! We have been so busy since coming home as you can imagine. Not just adjusting to having a new family member, but all the preparations for Christmas! Megan is doing exceptionately well, amazing considering the changes in her life. She began school two weeks ago, we expected her to be overwhelmed by this, as she spends a good portion of her day in the classroom expected to learn with just an english speaking teacher. Well, she surprised us again when she got off the bus and announced "I love go to school". She has continued to get off the bus with a big smile, not stressed at all. She has two periods a day of ELL services- English Language Lerner education- she just loves this. We called an interpreter at our agency a couple days into school to be sure there was nothing she needed to ask us, or tell us. The interpreter asked if this class was good, she responded with, "it is not good, it is perfect!" if only we could all be as positive and optimistic as this child! She has called her family several times since coming home, and this weekend called two friends, whom she talked to for almost an hour! Thank goodness for Skype on the computer- 2 cents a minute!
She has been eagerly awaiting Christmas. Although she never celebrated this holiday in China, she knew enough about it to be very excited. She has been asking each day for the last two weeks what day it was, and has announced how many more days until Christmas! Christmas was very special for all of us today, she loved each gift received and announced " I love Christmas" tonight.
We hope all of you had a blessed day as well-
Merry Christmas!
She has been eagerly awaiting Christmas. Although she never celebrated this holiday in China, she knew enough about it to be very excited. She has been asking each day for the last two weeks what day it was, and has announced how many more days until Christmas! Christmas was very special for all of us today, she loved each gift received and announced " I love Christmas" tonight.

Merry Christmas!