Journey to Su Xue Wei

Friday, June 30, 2006

paperchase update

Well, finally the long awaited paper is arriving- our approval from imigration saying we may adopt Su Xue Wei and bring her to the USA to become a citizen. this is the final step to completing our paperwork. We are expecting this to arrive tomorrow- July 1st.
For all that are not familiar with the paperwork involved- the next step is to gather all the precious pieces of our dossier, carry them to the county clerk for them to place their seal on it- this will hopefully be accomplished on Monday, then everything will be sent fedex to the secretary of state in Albany, back to us, then off by fedex to the Chinese consulate in NYC, back to us, then finally to our agency in Colorado.
They then will translate all of it and send it off to China.
We were hoping our "dossier" our completed paperwork, would make it to china by July, but it is looking like it might be August.
This will still put us traveling in the fall- probably November.

For all that have heard of our dilemma about whether to bring Patrick along- he has finally agreed to travel with us- with the stipulation that we bring enough peanut butter to sustain him for the two weeks!
More later!
Sorry for the two month delay in updating- I am very new to this-