Hello from Guangzhou!

Today we had to say goodbye to Su Xue Wei's wonderful family in Shanghai. She actually did very well with it, all the rest of us were a mess. They are wonderful people and I look forward to continued contact with our new extended family in China! They gave us each a card which I have not oppened yet. I cannot imagine being in their shoes and watching the child you have loved as your own leave, not knowing when you will see her again.
We are now in Guangzhou- wish I could say we were having a wonderful evening at Lucy's, instead we had to visit the White Swan clinic. Our new daughter woke this morning with a very upset stomach, became sicker on the plane (I will spare the gory details) by the time we got to our hotel she had a fever of 102F chills and all. We called our rep who met us right down at the clinic at the hotel. We were seen by a doctor who concluded that she has tonsilitis, and prescribed about 4 different medications, a nebulizer and a shot of antiviral medication- After all of this and some advil for the fever she is looking much better. Kellan and I headed to Lucy's for some take out, we brought back 2 orders of congee for her which she finished, and is finally keeping them down.
All through this she still has a smile on her face, charming the doctor and nurse at the clinic with her jokes. Didnt flinch with the shots- this kid has been through so much. She smiled for a picture so you could see her laying in her bed here- laughing at some Chinese version of funniest videos. I really need to buy some Chinese DVDs for her for home.
Did manage to get our laundry down to be washed- two baskets full. Hopefully tomorrow she will feel better! We will go to the clinic twice a day for the next two days for more antibiotic injections, all of this for just $50 USD, visit meds and all.
On a funny note, when we arrived and were unpacking she asked for her shoes. I pointed to the sneakers I unpacked for her, she shook her head and said "blue shoes" well, she doesnt have blue shoes, so I had no idea what she was talking about. She tried her electronic translator, then the book, came up with the word packed. Still had no idea what she was saying- called our guide, she was asking for her blue slippers- she has these huge puffy blue slippers which she loves. Her stupid mother could not figure this out, even after she managed to get two english words out- oye. She must think we are idiots! Anyway, there are only a few pictures from today, they are here. Now that we are in Guangzhou, we have access to blogspot and can view comments- if you wish to leave any!
Love from China-
At 9:13 AM,
Fran said…
Hi Guys!
Sorry to hear that Megan is not feeling well, hopefully she will be on the mend soon! Glad you made it to GZ safe and sound. We miss you guys and can't wait to see you next Sunday.
Sandy - I will be gone tonight and tomorrow afternoon, but hopefully will be able to chat tomorrow night my time. Love to all! Fran
At 4:25 PM,
Donna&Reggie said…
Hello Houles!!
Sorry to Megan is not feeling well. We miss you all and are loving reading your posts and looking at the pictures. Lauren is so excited to meet Megan and see everyone. She was jumping up and down on adoption day.
We're thinking of you all every day.
All our Love!
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