Still on China time- and more computer issues!
We made it home safely Sunday night. All our flights were early- amazing for us, we arrived at the Rochester airport at 9pm to our wonderful family and friends waiting for us. Megan seemed to handle all this attention well. Loved her balloons- thanks Grace! She seemed thrilled with her room, liked all the animals, but not sure she wanted Sabrina- who had planted herself on Megan's bed.
Thought we were home free when we put everyone to bed at 12:30am, all sleeping until Monday morning- but no such luck. It is 6am now, and everyone has been up most of the night. Katie and Grace went to bed great at 7:30pm last night- exhausted. I woke to them awake and playing in their room at 12:45am. Gave them some Benadryl to help and went back to bed. Woke to some noise at 2am or so, which I tried to ignore. Heard Megan laughing at 2:45, went upstairs to find her showered, dressed, and watching a movie on her DVD player in her room. I was greeted by both boys, who said they had been awake since 12:45am.
So here we all are, 6am and feeling awake, which I am sure will turn to feeling completely exhausted by noon.
Tried to use this early hour to transfer the rest of my pictures to find that my computer is not reconizing my USB ports- have no idea why. Soooo will try to do that later on Jim's computer.
Love to all from the family still on China time-
Benadryl for all tonight!
Thought we were home free when we put everyone to bed at 12:30am, all sleeping until Monday morning- but no such luck. It is 6am now, and everyone has been up most of the night. Katie and Grace went to bed great at 7:30pm last night- exhausted. I woke to them awake and playing in their room at 12:45am. Gave them some Benadryl to help and went back to bed. Woke to some noise at 2am or so, which I tried to ignore. Heard Megan laughing at 2:45, went upstairs to find her showered, dressed, and watching a movie on her DVD player in her room. I was greeted by both boys, who said they had been awake since 12:45am.
So here we all are, 6am and feeling awake, which I am sure will turn to feeling completely exhausted by noon.
Tried to use this early hour to transfer the rest of my pictures to find that my computer is not reconizing my USB ports- have no idea why. Soooo will try to do that later on Jim's computer.
Love to all from the family still on China time-
Benadryl for all tonight!
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
This has been great to follow your pictures and travels. Your family looks like it has been together forever! You all look so happy!
At 10:09 PM,
Lucy Blue said…
when can we see everyone again? we are very excited to meet megan. please let us know where and when.
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