China finally logged us in! And an update on our girl-

Well, after more than a month we finally got the official "date" from CCAA in Beijing- they logged our dossier into their system on August 28th- this is the point that our wait officially begins. We are thrilled to finally have this date, but a little annoyed that it sat their for 22 days before being logged in- oh, well. We are thankful and happy-
Now we wait for "travel approval" offical word that we can leave for China. This takes about 2-3 months, we leave 1-2 weeks after this- so looks like mid Nov- mid dec travel for us-
Got a little update on Su Xue Wei a couple of days ago, pink is no longer her favorite color, it is now sky blue- thank goodness we did not paint the room yet! I think we will go with a combo of colors for her comforter to be sure we are covered :-)
Also heard that her foster Grandmother said "she no longer listen to me anymore!" oh, the adventure of adopting an adolescent! Once the honeymoon is over it should be interesting!
We are still debating english names, plan to present a few to her soon, so I will post as soon as we know the final decision-
Grace starts Kindergarten today! Afternoon- so we have some time to chill in the mornings. I thought I wanted morning for her, but I think we are going to be happy with afternoon. We love her teacher, apparently she is "the" kindergarten teacher to have, so she should have a good year!
She is soooo ready!